Sapphire, you lovely, seductive tiny creature! The voluptuous brunette gives herself a quickie in today's 1By-Day after hitting the town. This milf is horny and alone, having just returned from cocktail hour, but she knows exactly how to take care of herself! She starts to undress from her tight little black dress to her underwear after striking some sultry postures for us, revealing her amazing figure beneath. The brunette doesn't waste time in giving her large tits and curvaceous ass the attention they deserve. They are ready and waiting to be fondled. The British cutie will initially put her fingers to her natural tits in order to stimulate them through nipple play, but in order to get the action her pink is craving, a toy will be required! Her large vibrator is what works wonders for her clit, and you should surely watch her in action as she uses it to her trimmed pussy and enjoys a big orgasm in the living room!