Sapphire makes a solo comeback, flaunting her beautiful legs in sheer black stockings that reach her thighs. She shows off her large tits and round butt to us while posing for us on her black patent heels, her pearls tumbling between her cheeks. In an odd fashion choice, Sapphire actually appears to be kind of chained up by all her pearls. What part is she assuming? A semi-naked man's pet for sex? As you examine her body with your orbs, let your thoughts wander over all the possibilities. Sapphire runs her pearls between her cunny after biting into them. She quickly extracts a vibrating golden bullet and runs it between her legs. After nibbling on her pearls for a while, she removes her shoes, sits on the floor, and presses the toy between her nylon-covered soles. She also runs the vibrator along her muscles. She leans back and shuts her eyes in quickly intensifying ecstasy as soon as it makes its way into her pussy as well. The greatest pictures are of her kneeling in the doggy stance at the end with the object protruding from her snatch. What has Sapphire been up to? All of the excitement is in the seductive, sensual mystery!