Mina K

Mina K

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One kinky girl next door is Mina K. She was born in Limbazi, Latvia, and currently resides in Hungary with her girlfriends, other porn stars. Standing at five feet seven inches, with smooth amber hair and sweet hazel eyes, Mina conceals a darker side. She is a total sucker for hard, submissive sex. As she often says, it's better the harder the better. Mina has a genuine gift for holding cocks for extended periods of time in her warm, tight asshole. Her absolute favorite guilty pleasure is anal. Mina is a painter and artist who makes art outside of porn. Apart from her innumerable one-night stands, Mina enjoys spending a fun evening at the neighborhood bar with her companions. Don't let Mina's gorgeous eyes fool you—she has a strong attitude. She takes great pride in her ability to fight. In addition to being an avid fan of Game of Thrones and coffee, Mina typically gets a new tattoo each year. Put on your VR goggles and see this assertive Latvian beauty in 180-degree stereoscopic virtual reality.

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