Lilyan Red

Lilyan Red

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Lilyan Red is a stripper, porn star, bisexual, gamer, and freak of nature. Not our words, but hers. Angry redhead Lilyan is a self-taught tech enthusiast and virtual reality model. She wants to give you the Red Pill and lead you into a virtual reality rabbit hole where she can perform incredible feats of cyberpunk alchemy, like remixing your genetic code by fusing your sperm with her stomach acid. Lilyan thinks your new Oculus Rift is great, but she would be much more pleased if you spent a little more money on Cyberdildonics equipment. Who needs hands in virtual reality, after all? Watch in awe as Lilyan transforms square pixels into rounded curves and entices you via the looking glass with her feminine features. Now put the goggles back on, sit back, and get ready for your software to suddenly become hardware. For a taste of what Lilyan Red can do in virtual reality, we suggest watching "How I Met Misha Cross – Friends With Benefits."

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