Dakota rises alongside the sun. She can get her energy from the sun just right. Still, Marina Angel finds that lounging in bed gives her newfound energy. Marina has duties to finish before Dakota comes to wake her up and join her outside in the sun. It takes a while to complete the tasks, and Marina becomes so bored that she dreams of Dakota and her in the pool. Knowing that Marina despises doing chores, Dakota tries to come up with a strategy to have Marina stop and play with her. Marina uses the hose to cool herself down independently while Dakota comes up with her scheme. Dakota sneakily fills a bucket with the wiggly globes of water after showing up at Marina's house with some balloons to make water balloons. They become completely soaked and having the best time ever when Dakota eventually surprises Marina with the balloons. Marina begins writhing her lustful, moist body against Dakota's because she is so hot and bothered. Dakota instantly discovers Marina's wet pussy and begins massaging her. They keep making out and touching each other's heated nipples and pussies as time goes on, slipping out of their bikinis along the way. Following their mutual nibbling of each other's shaved petals, they had amazing orgasms while basking in the sun.

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