Their glass coffee table features a big bowl of fruit, which heightens the excitement as we wonder just what those fruits will be up to! Lis praises the voluptuous peds of redhead Kristine before massaging her delicate, high-arched sole with a strawberry. As Lis places Kristine's foot on the strawberry, the entire crushing process is visible through the glass. As her feet receive this sensual treatment, Kristine flashes a charming smile of pleasure, and her moans provide a soundtrack of unadulterated passion. Kristine honors Lis's feet in return, and Lis then grabs some green grapes to give Kristine! Lis's pink soles and those rich green grapes gave this newsletter writer a lustful and hungry feeling! Kristine presses her fingers down on Lis's foot, which is resting on the glass table, causing some grape squishing. After that, the girls lie back on the couch and lick their feet before getting out the whipped cream for further shenanigans. The girls are grinning at each other and displaying their untidy feet for your perusal, admiration, and squirt in the end! Through the gloopy mess, Kristine's adorable toe ring is clearly visible!