Gloria's world as a college student falls apart when one of her teachers catches her smoking cigarettes. As you can see, her school's dean is a true stickler for rules and detests noncompliance. Gloria is going to experience his freeze, which is why he goes by Dean Ice! When Gloria refuses to acknowledge her wrongdoings, the Dean becomes quite enraged.
Smelling her breath, he snatches her by her schoolgirl tie. He smells like cigarettes, which is not healthy for Gloria. When he opens her luggage, he discovers a box of tobacco sticks that she claims is not hers. That right there is trouble, capital T. Gloria says she's sorry and that she has to go potty.
Gloria is forced to kneel in order to contemplate her punishment by the dean, who then exits the room. Unable to resist, Gloria snatches the rock-filled glass vase from his desk, dumps it in the corner, and takes a heated urinal in it. That is, after massaging her clit.
She launches a ferocious spray into the vase, missing the bull's eye by a wide margin and spilling some of the droplets onto the floor below. She's done for when Choky enters and discovers that she urinates in his vase!
After bending her over his desk and spanking her, he tells her to use the butt plug he found in her suitcase while he watches. Just a taste of what's in store for this mischievous pupil. Await Part 2 with anticipation!