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Lily Larimar & Romeo Mancini: Older Man-Younger Woman Confession & 69 (HD)

Just when Beth (Lily Larimar) is ready to go, her father Leonard (Clarke Kent) stops her. Leonard worries about her because it seems like she's been going out a lot recently. Though Beth is reluctant to tell him anything, she eventually gives in to pressure and nervously confesses that she is seeing someone else. Happy, Leonard demands to meet the lover. A few days later, Leonard is visited by Jake, Beth's boyfriend (Romeo Mancini). But it turns out that Jake is a considerably older man, much to Leonard's dismay and horror. Leonard is enraged with Beth for seeing someone so much older, and he confronts Jake for seeing someone only eighteen years of age. Because of the high level of tension, Jake leaves before things get worse. Still in disbelief, Beth claims she needs more time to process and heads out, but not before Leonard forewarns her that if she decides to stay with Jake, she won't be welcome back home. Later on that day, Beth is in Jake's sleeping quarters. Jake is trying to console her as she is inconsolable. Since Beth only has Leonard as a family, she is unsure of how to respond to Leonard's demand. However, Jake appears to get motivated. He begins attempting to persuade Beth that their happiness as a couple depends on Beth is shocked and conflicted, as Jake suggests that they could get Leonard out of the way by getting him into serious trouble. Although Beth isn't sure she wants to go that far, Jake is incredibly convincing.

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