Published by PissVids on

Constance's Embarrassing Nurse Mishap: Pissing Incident

Poor Constance, the nurse, is always stopped in traffic and, by the time she comes home, she is in a desperate need to urinate! She falters and staggers toward the door, but why is it locked? She's hunched over and trying to nurse her full bladder, but she can't do it for very long. Her lovely blue scrubs begin to get wet, and she starts to urinate into her Keds-style sneakers as well as down both of her pants legs! She loses control and lets go of her entire bladder into her pants, which is a relief! When Constance's neighbor happens to pass by and notices that she's wetting herself, she has to explain the large puddle and what happened—how embarrassing to have to talk about! After that, it's backstage as she takes off her drenched jeans, removes her white sneakers, and displays her nearly translucent light cotton underwear while we talk about poop-related subjects!

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