I was surfing the web, as that's where I spend almost sixty percent of my time. Nevertheless, I came into this extremely attractive blonde bombshell cam girl who resembles the girl that lives next door! Kacy was irritated when I took her up to shoot it, but she was able to handle it. Alix was still performing when we arrived at her window. I had to capture her acting naughtily on camera from about five feet away. It's a blessing that she didn't see us there sooner; she must have been really aroused. She was shy and covered up when she turned to face us, but I told her how much I thought her job was fascinating and how I thought it was so great. You'll see, though, the show taught me more than simply the basics. Now that I've landed a job, I hope her fans enjoyed it! From Karla Kush and Alix Lynx

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