Avril received a gift certificate for a massage from her boyfriend. She informs her masseuse Charity that she has never had a massage before when she comes for her appointment. Charity shows her to the room and tells her she's going to have a great time. After forcing Avril to strip off and lie down on the table, she begins massaging her body. She gives Avril's ass, tits, and even her pussy rubbings. Charity explains to Avril, who has never dated a girl, that this type of massage is exactly what Avril's boyfriend had asked for when he asks what she is doing. Although Avril is a little anxious, she calms down and lets things flow. Charity takes off her own clothes while she feels and licks her pussy. Avril cums hard as she inserts her tongue deep into her pussy. Although she may be getting her first massage now, it won't be her last

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