The last time I (Lola Foxx) performed anal with a girl, she spent the entire session instructing me how to put the toy in my ass and how to make my asshole extend to accommodate various sized plugs and toys. This time, though, I kind of want to find a gorgeous brunette lady named Jada Stevens who has a bigger butt than I have, so we can display our butts stacked on top of each other. Additionally, I want to truly demonstrate to her how to stretch her ass by sticking a large object inside of it. And peer inside, insert various-sized plugs, stick my fingers inside, and thoroughly examine her asshole. When Lola Foxx and I last had anal work with a girl, it was all about After that, I want her to come over to me, insert a toy into my asshole, drag it in and out, and lick my pussy as she goes until I experience simultaneous assgasm and pussy orgasm. I'm a little nervous because this is only my second time working with Anal, but I want to prove to Jada that I can play with the bigger girls because she's an expert. I want to demonstrate to her that I can fit a large toy inside my ass, and I want her to suck my pussy and fuck my ass simultaneously so that I may Additionally, I want her to taste the toy and discover my true flavor. So anal sex with Jada Stevens is my fantasy, and it's going to happen.