Budapest's Bernice pulls out the B in a bloody tampon! In this lone scene, this tall, slim, and attractive woman seems a touch distracted as she plays with a syringe! She seems to be infatuated with it in some way, putting it up against her little nipples, between her pussy folds, and in her mouth as she twitches her tongue. It appears that she desires some kind of injection. Bernice, how about some spicy meat covered in tartar sauce? There are plenty of guys who would be happy to offer you one of them! I had assumed that this would be all about Syringe fetish, but when the camera pans down, we notice that she has a questionable string hanging from her hairless beaver! Suddenly, following a few shots from both the front and the back, and a firm pull on that small rope, voilĂ ! There's a bloody used tampon! A fantasy for bloodsuckers!