Charly Summer, Cytherea, Derrick Pierce in Marital Infidelity Threesome - HD
Caroline (Cytherea) is waiting around wearing an exquisite dress, obviously with plans to go out that evening. However, she appears irritated when her husband, Joseph (Derrick Pierce), gets home later than expected. Since he owns a restaurant, he frequently complains about how his establishment supports him, but Caroline doesn't seem to buy it—especially when he gives her a tight hug and she smells perfume on his shirt collar. A few days later, Joseph bids Caroline farewell as she prepares to head out for a weekend getaway with a friend. However, it soon becomes apparent that Caroline's weekend getaway was a hoax after she drives off and parks barely visible. In fact, she goes back to the house twice as soon as she is certain that enough time has elapsed. Caroline hears sounds of delight coming from the bedroom as she sneaks back inside. She opens the bedroom door, bracing herself for the worst, and sees Joseph sitting too close to Stella (Charly Summer), a younger lady. Right away, Joseph tries to con Caroline by pretending that Stella works as a waiter at the restaurant and that they are only chatting business, but Caroline is able to see right through him. Caroline faces them and knows she will have to find a novel way to maintain Joseph's interest in her and their marriage. At that point, she swallows her pride and offers to add some sultry banter to the situation. She'll be able to make the decisions for a little while longer at least then.