To Diary, I'm an inquisitive young lady. Discovering the world of sex has been a lot of fun lately; ever since I hit puberty, I've been captivated by the variety of porn available. Nearly all things arouse my interest. At least, thus far. Not that I'm searching for weird stuff, but I've always been curious about what happens to girls that try anal. After making sure my parents wouldn't find out, I entered it into Google like any other eager teen. I immediately came upon the sexiest video of Remy LaCroix and Lola Foxx! These must be some of the sexiest women in porn. It was almost as if I could feel Remy inserting that object into Lola's butt! I've been ready for this since I've been hoping and dreaming of a toy in my ass, but how would I pull it off? I browsed around and left a remark on the video, and before I knew it, this gorgeous woman had responded, offering to show me how it's done. Veronica definitely put me at ease when we turned on our cameras to start working on our butts! Her experience was just what I needed, but as I was about to have an orgasm, I started to feel things I never knew were possible! My adorable tiny butt's bound muscles all begin to twitch and press into my pussy. It felt like heaven. I hope you had fun viewing! Sativa Jenna