Interviewing a superstar (Steven St. Croix), cleared of many charges of sexual assault, is Sovereign Syre, a curious journalist wearing a leather jacket, spectacles, and red lipstick. She gives in to her worries and his power; he says it was all consenting. The eerie actress covers Sovereign's mouth and nipples with clothespins, blindfolds her, and rips off her frock. He puts a belt around her throat to choke her, dunks her head in the bathtub, and fucks her mouth. She gives his cock a deep-throat under the flowing shower. He pisses her off again in the tub, ties a rope around her neck, covers her face with a towel, and nails her to the bathroom floor. Dangerous A deadly ending ensues as Steven cums heavily on her skin and howls into her speculum-spread cunt.

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