Penny (Whitney Wright) is excited to celebrate the Fourth of July with her Uncle Jonas (Steve Holmes) and his family (Nathan Bronson, Jake Adams, and Small Hands). Penny hasn't met any of Jonas's family members yet, but she is excited to do so as he recently married into their family. Despite her nervousness, Jonas reassures her that everyone is actually excited to meet her and that she should get socialising. Penny leaves her uncle's side to welcome the other guests after some gentle prodding from him. She quickly discovers that there aren't any other women at the party as she mingles, blind to the hungrily directed glances from the guests around her. The males ignore her inquiries and offer flimsy explanations whenever she inquires about her absent family members. She hasn't realised till now how exposed she is to these strangers. She panics and runs to her Uncle Jonas' side in an attempt to get consolation, only to discover that it's customary for all the men on his side to share new female family members! Despite Penny's initial reluctance, her uncle manages to pique her interest and confidence. Given that he is aware of her vulnerability as a virgin, he specifically preys on her fears. In the end, Penny grudgingly concedes that having some experience WOULD be niceā€”as long as her family agrees to look after her.

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