cornered & cornholded taissia shanti pees during bdsm domination action gp924
This is one of the most outrageous situations we have ever shown on House of Taboo. The gorgeous Russian Taissia Shanti is trussed up in ropes that resemble a kind of net in a gloomy wooden room, covered in dirt and wearing a burlap bag over her head. Behind her, in goggles, stands a frightening Choky Ice. She is quite aggressive and bites him as he touches her nipples when he removes the bag from her head. She doesn't bite Master Choky's enormous dick, but she gives in to it nonetheless. She becomes much more flexible as a result, as evidenced by the fact that shortly after he? Snatching her hand through the ropes, snatching her shaved pussy all the way up to his wrist. Next, with her still trussed in the net-like ropes, Choky stands her in a corner, and she can't resist but start urinating into the air. Choky, enraged by her lack of self-control, forces her to lick the urine puddle from the floor's wooden planks. Subsequently, he places her back in her chair, spanks her, tugs her hair, and uses the apertures in the ropes to cornhole her in the ass and cums all over her face. Through some creative camera techniques, the strange dreamlike quality of her experience is also captured. Watch this new roleplay scenario in a Full HD BDSM film to see how intense it is!