El Storm is traveling through Europe, and it can not always be comfortable to backpack across the continent in the winter. In order to rest her weary legs, Storm determines it would be preferable to check into a hotel early in the day. It's time to change into something cozier because the hotel room is a major departure. Inside her bedroll, Storm discovers her butterfly vibrator concealed. She knows it's time to reignite the romance with her flying travel companion as she remembers all the amazing moments she shared with her purple toy in the previous country. She reveals her breasts as she rolls her shirt down. She starts rubbing her youthful, shaved pussy as her fingers slide under her purple underwear. When her teenage fingers eventually find their way into her, the amount of her natural lubricant increases dramatically. In order to gain greater access to her hole, she flips onto her knees and inserts the large purple device between her legs into her steaming, moist pussy. Storm's breath shortens as she starts to fuck the dildo in one spot, dragging and pushing her body up and down, riding the butterfly dildo as the ecstasy intensifies. She flips over onto her back and starts having It's finally here—Storm is warm inside, just what she needed after her lengthy, chilly journey!