Father, please pardon me; I have sinned. Trinity St. Clair, my stepdaughter, is no longer the kind little girl I knew and is blasphemous. I, Kobe Lee, have failed as a mother to her. She may be under the influence of a sexual devil, I fear, as she can't seem to control her craving for porn and incessant urge to masturbate. By all means, there has to be something I can do to extract this unscrupulous power from my daughter! As Kobe walks into Trinity's bedroom and hears the horrible noises of self-pleasing, she prays, asking the good Lord to give her strength. The scent of her mother's filthy underwear tickles Trinity's senses as she lies in bed, touching her soft pussy. Kobe begs Trinity to attend church, but she insists that lesbian carnality must satisfy the sexual beast within her daughter. Kobe searches her mother's sexual organs for the answers to bring out the bestial succubus, guiding her hands deep into her pussy hole. Terrified that her hands were within her daughter, Trinity demands that she pierce more deeply and quickly in order to release the orgasmic joy. They were terrified that the evil ghost was now concentrating on Kobe's genitalia. Trinity moves fast, pulling her mother's shorts down before it's too late and freeing her from its hold. But it was; passion had left Kobe's pussy completely drenched. In an attempt to fast suck it out, Trinity caresses her mother's clit while observing her mother's concession. The stubborn spirit was fighting back, striving to hold on to the woman it so desperately wanted to torture and torment. Have fun!

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