I enjoy participating in fitness competitions, but I always find myself laughing at the ridiculous poses. Having to stand and strike a stance makes me feel so foolish. Are the judges not able to perceive how extremely tight and strong I am already? I think you could assist me with these positions. Which ones best showcase my muscles, in your opinion? Hey, if I applied some glycerin to my muscles to make them shine, I know what would improve their appearance. I'll apply some shine to my pecs and biceps to give you a preview of what the judges will see. I can feel it I like my current glossy appearance. Hello, what's that? Watching me rub shine on myself is making you feel like you have a bulge in your pants? Is that not a little strange, in your opinion? Is there anything more seductive than watching your step-sister work out? Fit-looking gals don't seem to turn you on, personally. You most definitely don't go out with women who resemble me. That you find me appealing in that way, I suppose, flatters me a little. Say, our folks most likely won't