Vic Valentino spent a long time learning under the most stern police sergeant in the city and became a dedicated security supervisor. After all this time, the sergeant has fulfilled his word and elevated Vic to beat cop full-time. Vic is thrilled to be on par with his girlfriend, Heather Vaughn, who has been a city police officer for the past two years. And she is, too. She arrived at the station late to surprise Vic with some celebratory sex because she is so proud of him! She begins by releasing Vic's enormous dick and giving it a good sucking motion, slicking her mouth with copious amounts of saliva. Just after his promotion, Vic is a little worried about getting it on in the locker room, but Heather's lips feel too wonderful around his boner. He's fucking her like he never thought he would, seizing the opportunity to slide his cock inside her. Vic has become a sexual beast due to the rush of achievement. Using his awesomely honed upper body and his big yet firm ass, watch him smash his primary squeeze. This is a pleasant, joyous moment for a very contented and lustful pair. Have fun!